Buzzard Life DEFCON Levels for preppers
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What is DEFCON?
Defense Readiness Condition is an alert state used by the U.S. armed forces. It prescribes graduated levels of readiness and states of alert and increases from levels of least to most server.
The highest level the U.S. has ever gotten to is DEFCON 2. During the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. It lasted about a month. It was between the U.S. and Russia. This was the closet we had come to nuclear war during the Cold War Area.
How may Levels are there?
What are the 5 levels?:
1.) Maximum Readiness-Nuclear War Imminent
2.) Arm Forces 6hrs or less to engage-Near Nuclear War
3.) Air Force 15min to mobilization-Forced Readiness Increased Above Normal Levels
4.) Above Normal- Intel watch increase security measures strengthen
5.) Normal-Lowest State
1.) Red
2.) Orange
3.) Yellow
4.). Blue
5.) Green
Buzzard Life’s 5 Levels of DEFCON:
1.) SHTF-Buzzard Rotisserie Style
2.) Can’t Work, No Pain Meds, Insurance Drops You-Put on a Damn Helmet
3.) Wrecked Your Vehicle-Might want to think of wearing a Damn Helmet
4.) Over Slept Late for Work-Hangover
5.) Everyday Life-12pack at the beach day